It has been a never-ending debate on what to choose from, Social media ads or Google ads. If you are in a dilemma unable to choose from either, then this piece will bring you clarity on how you could make both options work for you. Social media ads and Google ads complement the other, filling the gaps where one fails to provide.
If you are thinking about online Ads, You must have known the importance of Digital Marketing in today’s business world.
Many businesses feel the need to stay away from social media ads as the notion that they are demeaning the standards and quality of their business. But, it is a great way to tap the large audience these platforms have.
By the end of the article, you would realize that your business has been losing out on opportunities because of this naive idea.
What are Social Media Ads?
Any form of advertising done on Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on are commonly referred to as Social Media Ads.
They come with special features that allow you to segregate and display ads with relevance to the viewers. With over 2 billion users of social media, it is one of the most influential methods of advertising.
With special features added by these platforms, Social Media ads have become the go-to place to promote your products and services. One aspect that Social media ads demand is the need for creativity and innovation.
What are Google Ads?
Google ads is an online advertising platform which helps to advertise your business like search ads, display advertisements, product listings, video content and also generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.
Google Ads has simplified the process making it easily accessible to develop ads and direct customers to your products and services. Unique features such as pay-per-click have made it economically possible for business owners to watch their marketing expenses.
The benefits of Social Media Ads
As individuals spend most of their time scrolling on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on the best place to advertise products and businesses are on these platforms.
These social media platforms have realized that it was not being used as a personal account any more and they ended up enhancing their features to suit businesses and one such added feature is social media ads.
Some of the main characteristics of social media ads are video content, target audience and analysis of progress based on each post or page viewed.
The benefits of Google Ads
The internet has become the go-to place for us when a simple question arises and we do the same when we are looking for products and services.
The simple process of keying the words in the most prominently used search engine, Chrome, will give you a long list of results. With the topmost being the closest associated with the keyed in words.
The main characteristic features of Google ads are direct sourcing of audience based on search, economically using the pay-per-click feature and using organic methods which would result in organic results closely associated with the keywords.
Difference between Social Media Ads and Google Ads
Both social media ads and Google ads come with their own unique features but with similarities.
Google ads have a wider platform and it is not restricted to users of a particular platform whereas, each social media platform would target only users who come to their site. Google ads involve direct methods based on features such as locality and accessibility.
These services can be availed and contacted immediately with the click of the call option. But in social media ads users are taken to a different page to complete the transaction outside of the user’s social media page.
The process involved in advertising via Google ads is more direct catering to needs almost immediately, as and when the services are required.
Social media ads and Google ads are two incredible options for one to choose from. Both bring along with features of their own.
In order for a business to get an overall exposure and to fill in every gap of publicity, one should opt for both social media ads and Google ads in order to cover every area to put forth your products and services to the masses.
When should you use Social Media Ads?
One of the most powerful features of social media ads is the visual content of both images and video.
We are aware that the audience is more attracted to visuals rather than those lengthy texts and if your target audience wouldn’t care to read and rather relate to images then you would need to get your creative designers working to create content that is attractive and with concepts that are ‘in’.
When should you use Google Ads?
If you are looking for direct hits to your website or to get in touch with your business almost as soon as they require your services then choosing Google ads would work in your favour.
It doesn’t mean that your work is over here. You would need to build an attractive landing page for your website that stands for quality and excellence as your audience would judge the quality of your services based on the seriousness one puts into the web-page.
If you have made it to the end of the article you would understand the difference between what either has to offer and it would only bring about the best for your advertising needs.
Therefore, it is necessary to implicate both Social media ads and Google ads to bring out the best in your business.
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