Of all the body organs, which one do you think is the most important?
The one which pumps the blood, the one which carries the blood, the one which flushes out toxins or the one which manages all the functions in the body? Of course, Brain which manages seems to be the most important organ. But, what if there’s no fuel for the proper functioning of these organs and systems? Nutrition is of prime importance for good health and the overall functioning of the body. The Brain also needs specific nutrients for it to work with full ability. Fats, Vitamins and Minerals play a major role in this area.
Come, Today let’s see which foods from our kitchen help us boost brain function and memory:
Foods from Non-Vegetarian sources
1. Fish
Fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are the main constituents in the brain. Fish like Salmon, Tuna, Shrimps, etc. have good amounts of these elements. These omega-3 acids help in the proper functioning of brain cells called neurons. Cod-liver oil supplements are also available in the market which is nothing but omega-3 fatty acids extracted from fish. Though, it’s always better to eat natural foods than to take supplements. Be sure that the fish you eat is free of mercury.
2. Egg
Eggs, particularly the yolk, is high in natural DHA, which is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid and constitutes major parts of the brain and eye. Yes, you read it right. DHA is the major component in the retina of our eye also. It also contains vital nutrients like Vitamin -B, Folate, etc.
Foods from Vegan/ Vegetarian sources
1. Flax Seeds and Chia Seeds
Flaxseed is a plant-based superfood that contains high amounts of AHA, antioxidants called Lignans and also vitamins and minerals. Chia Seeds also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and antioxidants. This has been found to benefit not only the brain but also helps in fighting cancer-causing cells and lowering bad cholesterol.
2. Walnuts
Particularly, for vegetarians and Vegans, this brain-shaped part of walnut helps improve your brain function. Most of the vegetarian brain-foods contain Alpha-Linolenic Acid (AHA), which is another type of essential fatty acid. Walnuts contain high amounts of this fatty acid.
3. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin Seeds contain minerals linked to proper nerve signalling like Zinc, Copper, Vitamin-K; Magnesium which helps to increase memory power and Iron content which helps to prevent Brain-fog.
Other Nuts like Almonds and Sunflower seeds also contain more or less similar nutrients, but Walnuts and pumpkin seeds are top of the list.
4. Turmeric
This extraordinary spice is being used in almost all Indian kitchens because of its major health benefits. It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in repairing damaged cells in the central nervous system. This helps in improving mood and reduces depression and stress.
5. Citrus Fruits, Berries and Vegetables
Oranges, Lemon, Grapefruits, Bell peppers, Tomatoes and all types of berries like Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, etc. have good amounts of Vitamin -C which help in the absorption of minerals like Iron, which in turn helps in healthy brain function.
6. Chocolate
Well, I don’t intend to spoil your kids by asking them to eat lots of chocolate because it helps in memory and attention when taken in little amounts. Dark chocolate particularly helps in keeping concentration and alertness as it contains flavonoids and caffeine which keeps the brain alert. But too much chocolate may cause early ageing of brain cells.
7. Spinach
Spinach is a superfood for all the systems in the body. It has high contents of iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, Protein, Zinc, Fiber, Vitamin-E, A, C and K, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese and Folate. It’s a highly recommended food as it contains very fewer calories and more nutrition. This article gives you a detailed idea of why spinach is good food for the brain.
8. Beans
Last but not the least, let’s discuss beans. Kidney beans, red beans, black beans, black-eyed beans, Soybeans, etc. are different types of beans which are majorly rich in proteins that help in maintaining healthy cell membranes, folate that helps in proper nervous functions. They also are equipped with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to act upon the free radicals which diminish the functioning of the brain.
Even when we talk about healthy foods, you can get the maximum results only when you are physically fit and by being happy. Keeping up your emotional wellness is very important when talking about brain functioning because stress and depression are the main brain influencers.
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