Stress is degenerative at all levels. Be it professionals, working class or students, it’s very important to overcome our fears and reduce stress for a healthy and happy living.
Children of this generation are expected to do extraordinary things at such a tender age which makes them compelled to fear. Parents are the only ones who can help their children grow fearless and stress-free about exams. Exam fear, Exam Stress, Exam Anxiety
Let us discuss the 10 most important things parents can do to overcome exam fear in their children:
1. Prevention is better than cure
Asking your child “How was your day at school?” everyday will create positivity to share their feelings and also help them remember what important works have to be done and be ready for the next day’s school.
This becomes a habit and your child will learn to be prepared beforehand for all activities including exams.
2. Never deny help when they need it
We need to understand that even though they are smarter than us, they still are children.
They would require our help sometimes. And extending our hand would make them feel stress-free and supported.
It doesn’t mean that you keep doing their homework everyday while they are playing. NO! Support them when they are not able to finish something on their own.
3. Do not stress them for academics
Yes! Every parent wants their child to rank 1 in their class, But we need to understand that marks are not the only indicators of good education.
Never stress them to be the best. Always incline them towards improvement not on perfection.
4. Watch for the signs of Exam-Stress
Are they facing problems like sleeplessness, headaches, stomach issues, irritation, sudden crying etc. during or before exams ? These are the signs of Exam-stress and Exam-fear.
If you find any of these signs in your child, they are under stress. Finding the source of a problem is half the work done.
5. Take time-out for recreational activities
Excessive exam tension can lead to torment in children. So, taking them for a walk in fresh air or to a park, Playing games like Carroms, Chess, etc; can refresh them during these stressful times.
6. Making exercise a daily routine
For a healthy mind you need a healthy body. Regular physical activity makes the brain work faster.
It’s seen that children who play outdoors regularly perform better in exams than children who don’t.
7. Giving Nutritious food during exams
It’s easy for parents to give canned and store bought foods, but for healthy and stress-free exam periods, a nutritious, brain friendly diet is necessary.
Nuts, Vegetables, greens and fruits are very nutritious. Check here for the best foods that improve memory and brain function during exam times.
8. Allowing enough Sleep time
Exams are times when time is of critical importance but sleep time during exams is equally important because not getting enough rest makes your child forgetful.
Sleep is the biggest stress buster as that’s the only time when the brain gets to relax and get ready for next day’s activities.
Allowing breaks between study hours also is very helpful.
9. Encouragement and Being Positive
Encouraging your children to give their best and leave the rest is the mantra. Children can be easily influenced. Making them feel positive and optimistic helps them fight their fears.
10. Teaching them to accept failures and move on
This applies to both parents and children. Often, we feel bad looking at our child’s report card if they didn’t do well in their exams.
It’s very important to explain to your children that there is always room for betterment next time. Moving on is more fruitful than lingering over and complaining about failures.
Children often feel anxious and fearful of not being able to meet their parents’ expectations which stresses them a lot.
As parents it’s important to keep faith in your child, help them feel supported, involved in their day-to-day activities and teach them to survive failures. Your child should feel confident that whatever may be the situation, you will be there for them to support and love.
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